Work with us.
The winery is run and managed by Gavin, the founder and only full time member of staff; there is regular input from a consultant and an occasional assistant winemaker, Tam. We (I) occasionally enjoy the input of other team members at very specific times such as harvest (Sept - Nov), bottling (throughout the year) and hospitality / event support. These might be undertaken on a part-time paid basis, a volunteer basis or internships.
Part-time paid. This is very irregular and uncommon, most tasks can be done by Gavin and Tam, and we don’t luxuriate in budget to make our lives easier. BUT - you never know! If you want to be considered for any part-time paid work (winery or sales & marketing) if it comes-up, then email me with a CV and I’ll keep it on file. I will advertise any specific posts on this page - keep an eye out.
Volunteer. Various friends of mine volunteer to help-out during harvest and bottling because apparently getting covered in grape juice is fun! And it is. We could just about manage these tasks within the established team, but there is no doubt that extra hands make the work lighter and the atmosphere more festive. It also does give good insight and experience to people wanting to go further in wine - those undertaking WSETs etc. I can’t pay people for this, as we could just about get-by without, but if its something you think you’d like to do for fun then you get:
Two bottles of our wine (depends what’s available and what you like) for the first 2 hours or part thereof, 1 bottle for every further 3 hours or part We’ll negotiate and agree likely hours / wine beforehand.
Induction to what we’re doing: why and how (including safety) - and any useful information etc along the way.
Tea, coffee, sandwiches, cake - usually, depends on the time / job.
10% off purchases for 6 months from the date of volunteering.
Internship / Placement. Typically this would be for students studying a related field (viticulture / oenology, WSET levels, hospitality / events, wine business) but I could consider other situations. This would most likely be for an extended period (min 2 weeks ideally more) during the autumn for viticulture/ oenology / WSET) or the summer for wine business / hospitality. Specific arrangement will depend upon the individual and the nature of the placement. I would at the very least promise:
An agreed profile of work to suit your ambitions and requirements
Training in all aspects of the work being undertaken during the placement (my previous job was university lecturer)
Insurance, risk assessment of your work, PPE, and written protocols.
Tea, coffee, sandwiches, cake, wine.
Discussion of wine making decisions including the view / input of my consultant John Worontschak
A letter of agreement (learning contract or similar)
As the winery is small an intern is likely to get experience of all aspects of winemaking from the grand to the grotty - this is not simply a tank cleaning job, though there is a lot of that! Any other arrangements (transport etc) are by individual negotiation. Contact me to express interest: gavin@freedomofthepress.co.uk